What Makes Us Unique

At St Peter’s Girls’ Early Learners’ Centre, we have established a learning environment that invites everyone to feel a sense of belonging and ownership over their education and interactions. Our community deeply values rich relationships between the children, educators and families, and this partnership underpins all aspects of our daily life in the ELC.

By establishing our children as the authors of their learning, and giving strong emphasis to enquiries, we provide them with the ability to navigate their own social and emotional pathways and recognise that their perspective is significant.

Read more about our philosophies below:

The Power of the Hundred Languages

Creativity is one of our core values at St Peter’s Girls’ School, a fundamental skill to harness curiosity and a driver for discovery. We believe creativity is a quality of thinking that we can nourish daily.

We embrace the concept of the ‘Hundred Languages’, which is a metaphor for the extraordinary potential of children’s creative processes involved in the construction of their knowledge. The children have a hundred ways of thinking, expressing their theories and understanding the world around them.

Our children are exposed to a multitude of artistic and expressive languages including painting, sculpture, dance, music, technology and multisensory experiences. Encouraging children to explore as many creative languages as possible is pivotal in enriching their learning experience.

Creating an Ecological Identity

Based on Kaurna land and neighboured by the stunning natural beauty of Ferguson Conservation Park, our Early Learners’ Centre is culturally and geographically unique.

Kaurna language and culture are embedded in our daily life, and our children connect with indigenous traditions and develop a strong sense of ecological identity.

The children learn to see, hear, feel and think more deeply about the land we live on. Through building their cultural and ecological knowledge, we are establishing a strong foundation for the future of reconciliation.

Our Sustainability Journey

Sustainability is core to our philosophy at St Peter’s Girls’ ELC, embraced with care, responsibility and open-mindedness. We use the term ‘journey’ as we recognise sustainability as an ongoing and constantly evolving practice.

Sustainability in early childhood education goes far beyond environmental activities or using natural materials in our play spaces. For children to truly care for and respect their world, it is important that they understand their natural environment and make meaningful choices.

We introduced our ELC Community Garden as a vehicle for children to further stimulate these considerations and take responsibility for their environment. Our garden provides us with a place to foster deep connections, relationships and research, whilst also offering produce to use in snack times and garden-to-table cooking experiences.