On Friday 25 August our wonderful groundsmen Liam and Dom arrived in our ELC garden with a wheel barrow full of new plants. The children were very excited to find out where they would go and how they would be planted. Liam and Dom were more than happy to have helpers. Some children were reluctant to get their hands dirty but watched, fascinated, as holes were dug and roots were gently untangled.

“Ooh look, it’s a worm! Careful, we don’t want to squash it.”, exclaimed Penny. It is beautiful to hear the children express empathy for a little earthworm nestled in the roots of a new plant. Children learn much from the actions of adults and working beside Dom and Liam was a wonderful way for children to see respect and responsibility for the environment being modelled. The children will also have responsibilities in the coming weeks to ensure the plants adapt to their new homes by watering them and playing respectfully around them. This experience is another little step towards developing an ecological identity.

Mel Angel