On Wednesday, St Peter’s Girls hosted the Careers Networking Breakfast. The aim was to assist students to make informed choices about their career paths so that they can select appropriate school subjects and tertiary courses. By partnering our students with an Old Scholar who can speak to their areas of interest, we hoped to provide students with access to real-world insights into vocational fields.
Years 10 – 12 students attended the breakfast and were joined by 16 Old Scholars who generously gave up their time to mentor our girls. Students were allocated to tables covering Health Sciences, Medicine, Psychology, Science, Engineering, Law, Commerce, Accounting, Public Relations, Event Management, Tourism and Hospitality. The girls were encouraged to speak to as many of the mentors as possible.
Feedback from our Old Scholars and students has been outstanding; the Old Scholars in particular were pleased to have the opportunity to return to their School and they were impressed by the confidence of our girls. Many of the students have the contact details of the mentors and are hoping to develop these bonds in the future.
I would like to thank Megan McCormack (Old Scholar Officer) and Fiona McGregor (Events Officer) for their help organising the event, and also to the staff who attended. Finally, the event would not have been possible without the generous support of our Old Scholars and I look forward to forging new and lifelong associations for our students with this network, which they will also be a part of in the future.
Karen Alderson
Careers Advisor