The School was opened in 1894 by the Community of the Sisters of the Church, pioneering English women who sailed to a settlement they knew little about on the other side of the world. They arrived with very few possessions, but what they brought to our shores was priceless: a vision for quality girls’ education.
The School was established in North Adelaide and moved to the Stonyfell site in 1957.
It was managed by the Community of the Sisters of the Church until 1986 when a change in vocation within the Community resulted in the Sisters creating a different governance model and gifting the School to a Board of Governors.
Our pupils are inspired to follow in the footsteps of our founding Sisters as women of courage, creativity and compassion.
Our Mission
At St Peter’s Girls’ School, we provide outstanding educational opportunities for students from Early Learning to Year 12 in an engaging, collaborative and dynamic environment. Since 1894, the School has built upon the legacy of our founding Sisters, who were brave pioneers of girls’ education. Their daring vision and faithful determination continues to resonate with students today. Guided by their example, our holistic education encourages students to challenge, serve and lead with integrity and imagination in a global society.
Our Vision
St Peter’s Girls’ School: Inspiring women of character and influence
Our Values
We are:
- Courage – pursuing opportunities with confidence and strength
- Creativity – igniting our imagination to innovate and excel
- Compassion – connecting with the global community through respect and service
School Motto
Pro Ecclesia Dei - Beati Mundo Corde
(For the Church of God: Blessed are the Pure in Heart)

Elizabeth Pike Art Centre c.1976 and 2020

St Peter's Girls' Prefects in 1916 and 2016