Reconciliation Action Plan

Reconciliation is deeply important to our School and Early Learners’ Centre. Through our Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP), we respect and acknowledge the country on which our campus is located.  

Our Early Learners’ Centre places a strong emphasis on ensuring our children have knowledge of and respect for our shared Australian history. With the neighbouring Ferguson Conservation Park, the Centre is able to physically explore the environment and develop our understanding of Aboriginal cultures in relevant and meaningful ways. Dedicated to placing high importance on the inclusion of nature pedagogy in the curriculum, this enables seamless inclusion of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures into everyday life. Our Early Learners’ Centre continually seeks opportunities to increase respect, reduce prejudice and strengthen relationships between the wider Australian community and Aboriginal peoples with the youngest members of our community. 

Our community is enriched through the reciprocal sharing of skills and perspectives with local Kaurna people and Aboriginal visitors from across Australia. Through proactive reconciliation practices, we aim to develop global citizens who will: 

  • make connections and develop pride
  • rejoice in differences
  • promote justice and respect
  • understand and appreciate their own cultures and personal histories
  • embrace the values and traditions of other individuals and communities 

Our children will create a better, more peaceful world based on intercultural understanding and shared humanity. The development of the School’s Reconciliation Action Plan is a powerful example of a movement that has been driven by passionate adults but also by students through their role as Reconciliation Ambassadors. These students gain valuable input and guidance from knowledgeable and supportive adults in the wider School community and share readily their insights with others through their actions and deeds.

Opportunities to engage in special events in the annual calendar enable the School community to come together through shared experiences. Each year, our School celebrates National Reconciliation Week, actively empowering all to participate in reconciliation in a multitude of ways. A dedicated Assembly is guided by the RAP Ambassadors, sessions are conducted in our Libraries, student-led competitions and lunchtime activities occur, and special guests share their powerful stories with our students.

St Peter’s Girls’ School is committed to strengthening the knowledge and understanding of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories, cultures and perspectives and continuing the engagement with reconciliation learning and action.