Outstanding Year 12 Results

Our Class of 2023 reinforced our tradition of success across the South Australian Certificate of Education (SACE) and the International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma Programme, with our students achieving these incredible highlights:

  • Median ATAR – 93.95
  • Top ATAR – 99.7
  • 44% with ATAR of 95+
    (top 5% nationally)
  • 43 Merits

Willow Stewart-Rattray recorded the top ATAR, a score of 99.7, receiving The Emily Medal as Dux of the School 2023, with Merits in English and Chemistry, alongside an A+ in Physics and Mathematical Methods, and an A in Research Project.

Across our SACE Cohort, more than two thirds of our students achieved an ATAR of 90+, placing them in the top 10% of the country. The percentage of Stage 2 grades in the ‘A’ band was a phenomenal 77%, eclipsing the State figure of 32%.

Our SACE students flourished across all subject areas, including:

  • 100% of our students in Digital Communications, Drama, English Literary Studies, Music, Research Project, Art and Design achieved grades in the A band.
  • Over 80% of our students achieved a grade within the A band in Business Innovation, Chemistry, Dance, Food and Hospitality, and Physics.
  • Merits were achieved across 11 SACE subjects.

IB Merits were achieved in Biology, Chemistry, Chinese B, Global Politics, Physics, Psychology and Mathematics. Our students excelled across all disciplines with ‘A’ grade highlights including English (50%), Languages (69%), Humanities (86%), Sciences (60%) and Arts (75%).

In addition to SACE and IB results, so many of our girls are all-rounders, striving for success and growth across the board. In 2023, Saints Girls excelled across sport, The Arts, public speaking and speciality academic domains, delivering incredible performances whilst attracting local and national accolades. These achievements reflect the diligence and dedication of our students, supported by first-class educators and mentors. 

As our Year 12 students commence their post school journey, whether it be further education, entering the workforce, or pursuing other aspirations, we are confident they are well-prepared for the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead of them.

To see more information click here.