The Year 9 students embarked on camp last week with two classes bound for Hindmarsh Island for their kayaking adventure, and the other two classes heading to Deep Creek Conservation Park for their hiking journey. With strong winds, 9SRI and 9MBR were unable to kayak and turned their attention to a survival challenge. Students had to care for an injured peer, build them a stretcher, create a shelter and fan into flame a fire created from a flint. This challenge was thoroughly enjoyed by all. Once scored by their instructor, the students tried their hand at cooking damper before packing their rucksacks for the hiking section of their camp. That evening was a chance for introspection as the girls participated in their solo night.

Meanwhile, 9AST and 9ESM had set off on their respective hikes, which brought mixed emotions. The challenge of carrying everything that each girl needed in their rucksack whilst hiking difficult terrain was met with some excitement, some trepidation, lots of songs to distract them from any discomfort they were feeling, games of ‘ambush’ and much encouragement as each girl cheered on their classmates to rise to the challenge. The incredible views provided a welcome distraction from the physical challenge of rock climbing. Girls also witnessed the vast array of wildlife such as lizards, koalas and kangaroos with joeys.

By Thursday afternoon, the classes were re-united at Woodhouse, where the girls would go on to experience the adrenaline-fuelled rock climbing, abseiling and high ropes course. It was a highlight for many and an exciting conclusion to camp. The challenges required the girls to function outside their comfort zone, overcome fear, take calculated risks, work together as a team, trust their classmates and dare to imagine completing things that most had never done before. The sense of excitement and accomplishment was palpable. After a camp performance from each class that would make Broadway proud, the girls celebrated and shared their fondest and most uncomfortable experiences.

We were so very proud of the way the girls faced their fears, came together as a class and rose to the significant physical and emotional challenges. It certainly was a journey that will be marked in their memories for years to come.

Melissa Bray

Year 9 Home Group Teacher

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