
By making a bequest to St Peter’s Girls’ School, you provide a gift that makes a difference beyond your lifetime, ensuring the School’s success for future generations of girls.

The Scholastica Society

The Bequest Society is named in honour of Sister Scholastica, a key figure in the history of St Peter’s Girls’ School. The logo features a violet flower as a symbol of her birth name, Violet Ferris. The violet is known as a symbol of faithfulness and promise, which has a lovely resonance with the generosity of bequests.

The School acknowledges and honours those who make a bequest by offering membership of the Scholastica Society.

Members are invited to special occasions associated with School events such as art shows, drama productions, music concerts and any functions they may be interested in.

We respect bequests with complete discretion and the degree of acknowledgement that you wish. You can bequeath a specific sum of money, a percentage of your estate or a ‘residual’ amount. Bequests can also involve real estate, shares, life insurance policies, jewellery, art or antiques.

You can include a bequest in a new will or add a codicil to an existing will. We strongly recommend you consult a lawyer to discuss your intentions and your lawyer may contact us for appropriate wording.

Please feel free to contact us on:
Phone: +61 (08) 8334 2244